Portraying Politics profile

Name Portraying Politics
Acronym not present
Material link https://www.coe.int/t/dg4/cultureheritage/mars/source/resources/references/others/53%20-%20Portraying%20Politics%20-%202006%20COMP.pdf
Start date 2006
End date not present
Short description Portraying Politics is a toolkit on gender and television. News values and priorities, the choice of language and images, and the overall journalistic framing of individuals and issues all come together in a complex process to produce particular representations of women and men in public life. This project aimed to intervene in that process, to make visible the media practices involved in it, and to promote critical reflection and change.
Main Organization BBC ZDFEuropean Federation of JournalistsEuropean Journalism CenterSVT
Freelance /////
Country United KingdomGermanyBelgiumNetherlandsSweden
Types awareness raising
independent external monitoring
management and leadership training
monitoring leading to organizational change
Related issues media representation
Media sector television
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