Västerbottensnytt profile

Name Västerbottensnytt
Acronym not present
Material link https://www.svt.se/2.126589/1.1916503/vasterbottensnytts_%20jamstalldhetsarbete?lid=is_search1851550&lpos=7&q%20ueryArt1851550=j%E4mst%E4lldhet&sortOrder1851%20550=0&doneSearch=true&sd=33919&from=siteSearch%20&pageArt1851550=
Start date 2001
End date ongoing
Short description Swedish Television regional news "Västerbottensnytt", sets the following standards for their work. According to their website, their goal is that those interviewed in the main broadcast at 19:15 should reflect society, namely that there should be 50 percent women and 50 percent men. The editors count the gender representation each day, compile the numbers each week, and mail it out to everyone in the newsroom. This means that Västerbottensnytt always has the gender balance of what they produce on TV, in black and white.
Main Organization Swedish Television
Freelance /
Country Sweden
Types monitoring leading to organizational change
national legal/policy framework
Related issues media representation
participation and access to media
working environment (culture)
Media sector television
digital media (for example, online news site/s)
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