Convenzione Rai-Usigrai-Fnsi per l’estensione del Contratto nazionale di lavoro giornalistico profile

Name Convenzione Rai-Usigrai-Fnsi per l’estensione del Contratto nazionale di lavoro giornalistico
Acronym not present
Material link http://www.usigrai.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Usigrai_CONVENZIONE_RAI.pdf
Start date 2018
End date ongoing
Short description The agreement includes the Charter of the rights and duties of journalists working in the public service. The agreementalso refers to a series of relevant documents where the respect for human dignity, principle of non discrimination, gender equality promotion and protection of minors are established as founding principles for public service operations.
Main Organization RAI Radio Televisione Italiana
Freelance /
Country Italy
Types not present
Related issues not present
Media sector television
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