HeForShe UN Women Solidarity Movement for Gender Equality profile

Name HeForShe UN Women Solidarity Movement for Gender Equality
Acronym not present
Material link https://www.heforshe.org/en
Start date 2017
End date ongoing
Short description The HeForShe solidarity movement was created by UN Women to provide a systematic approach and targeted platform where a global audience can engage and become change agents for the achivement of gender equality. This requires an innovative approach that mobilizes people of every gender identity and expression as advocates and acknowledges the ways that we all benefit from this equality. HeForShe uses online, offline, and mobile phone technology to identify and activate men in every city, community, and village around the world.
Main Organization UN Women
Freelance /
Country Global
Types action plans and committees (when adopted/implemented at the level of individual organization)
advocacy and campaigns
awareness raising
gender equality policies
Related issues access to decision-making
gender pay gap and access to resources (pay and conditions)
harassment and abuse
working environment (culture)
Media sector television
print media (for example, newspaper/s, magazine/s)
digital media (for example, online news site/s)
social media (for example, Facebook, Twitter)
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